Friday, April 04, 2008

back by popular demand

some of the comments i got were really touching, so here i am. i've been crazy busy doing this whole senior in college thing. I am still remarkably fat, though the muscle are starting to show through when i flex really hard.

my ex is coming to visit my town soon and that freaks me out. he might stay with me, but at this point we don't even talk once a week anymore. i'm so close to being over it, done with it. i'm ready to SAY that i'm done waiting, instead of just fooling around instead of being patient. whatever. i guess that's just my "burleqsue dancer personality type" (his words, not mine) letting the slut in me loose for all to fuck at will. whatever.

thanks for all the comments. i have a HUGE backlog of thinspo, despite the mountain delivered in this post. hope you ladies and gents haven't given up on me.


Anonymous said...

thankyou for coming back, seriously...

Anonymous said...

I wasn't sure what to say before, but I was worried about you there. I hope things've smoothed over.

... said...

hi girl, i linked your blog but, and i'll visit you ever...
so, i'm afraid you will not understand me, coz that's in portuguese, but, i can understand you :)


AK said...

Wow! I was wonder where have gone all the inspiration that I needed?...
I was hidden here!

It has been a grateful surprise find your blog. Congratulations 4 it!
