Friday, January 11, 2008

chub chub chub

ate mostly healthy. still, i ate... period, so the sins still sit on my thighs. still didn't do enough. practiced a bunch though, so that must mean something. wore the weights, as usual. woke up late. again. fucking dammit.

i have this hideous period caused zit growth that makes me look like i have a fat lip. ugly. and tomorrow is friday. i hope it goes away overnight, because there are boys that i want to look good for tomorrow. ugh. i should've walked home instead of taking the bus. lardy mclardass that i am... if it's not raining after i call the ex, then i'll go running. i haven't gone running in far too long. even just a lap or two would be enough to make me hurt tomorrow. then, i might tired enough to sleep at a reasonable hour too. ooh. i think i might call the boy much earlier than usual.

stay strong. think thin. happy weekend.

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