Tuesday, May 08, 2007

mad dash thinspo

i woke up early for that. well, i was kind of awake anyway.
collected this glut of thinspo last night had me so thinspired that i hopped on my bike at damn near five in the morning. that was probably a good move because i didn't spend enough time in the gym yesterday, especially considering that i woke up to the tragic poundage of 124.6 again. My belly blob is really getting to me. It really only shows up when i want to bicycle situps. then it's so gnarsty that i can't bring myself to look at it long enough (without crying) to do the situps at all. 400 from yesterday has made me quite sore... but more so on one side than the other.

school is almost over and my summer of starvation will begin. no need to think. at all. time and time and more time to spend at the gym and practicing. no need for food. ever. i will be thin dammit. heat always makes me feel full faster. so if i do break down and eat, it won't take much to stop me.

take care skinnies. stay strong.

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