Wednesday, May 16, 2007

update again, thinspo, massive failings

i am in fact overwhelmed by how much thinspo i've amassed recently. i thought would get it all on here tonight, but i think i might be able to spread it out a little more. so enjoy this batch. there should be more tomorrow or the next day.

normal friends are such bad influences on me. dammitall.
so my last intake update from now to earlier:
1 medium tomato
1 slice light cheese
5 stuffed olives
5 or six chunks of olive bread
1 fruit popsicle
beer beer beer

i learned today that a whole can of sparks makes for being too drunk to be truly productive in a workout. i managed to run for maybe 45 minutes and do about 450 situps instead of 400. everything else was a little screwed up. i rode my bike a lot today and i think after this, i'm going to go for another ride. i have to burn some more calories before i go to bed.

i've also decided that if i don't eat until after my hair appointment tomorrow, i can go eat sushi and have one round of sake before massive amounts of practice happen. i have to at least look like less than i am now for saturday. huge, mondo, crazy big parties are happening this weekend and i had better look good should i choose to attend them. also, i can't eat tomorrow because tomorrow is for shopping! birthday gift certificates make me absurdly happy.

have a good wednesday my skinny ones! stay strong. think thin.

EDIT: on second thought, i am now very tired. sleep is for me sooner that i thought. i think i'm going to skip the bike ride after all and crawl into bed now instead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely thinpos hun, really great! thnx.