Friday, January 19, 2007

thinner than thou

morning weight: 122.8
plus 0.2lbs from yesterday.

i ran from my house to the gym. worked out really hard at the gym, to include running another 6 miles. then I stretched and ran home.

only brief failures have greeted me today. I had a tangerine juice pre-gym, and 1/6 of one slice of a four slice quesadilla. not so bad. i think i'm going to have eat afterall today, but i can shoot for negative calories in 90% of my food today too. all in all, not the worst so far today. i even got up on time... well closer to on time. i got out of bed and stayed out bed as opposed to getting of bed, turning off my alarm, and going back to bed. i win. sort of.


for a while, i felt like the thinnest girl at the gym. no one else there could see their ribs through their t-shirt and no one's hipbones stuck out like mine on the incline. then a girl with a 100% better body showed up. but for a while... i was the thinspo icon for all the other girls there.
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