Thursday, August 17, 2006

fucking failure

i ate 6 triscuits and then two slices of halvah. i am so fat. ew ew ew ew. i'm so dead right now, too. i want to leave, i want to go for a really long walk and then do some rolling work, but dammit, i can't get off my ass. i'm not quite tired enough for a nap and i have plans that require my being far from here at ten. help me. i guess i'll see if i can swallow some more hoodia and another retiva. maybe that will wake me up.

diet pills haven't had any effect on my energy for a long time now. i wish i knew what to do about that. even if i go off of them for a month or so and then get back on, they don't change anything. even the hardest core ones don't wake me up or make me jittery. they used to work like a good laxative plus jaw grinding energy, but not anymore. i guess i'll try to take a nap and then go exercise.

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