Sunday, April 01, 2007

long night, fat day

i didn't weigh in today. i knew it would be bad.

i've had a healthy breakfast a light double shot espresso. i have so much shit to do and my heart is kicking around in my toes. i'm sad. i'm homesick for a place isn't mine to call home and i've been upset about for over a year now. it's not getting better and i know that, and it won't get better until get done with everything up here. then i can leave.

but the rules won't change when i get there. i think i might go to party next weekend. take something that will make my world go away for a while. no food, no problem. that's how i wanted today to be, but then i realized that i'm not totally well yet. i just need to get tons of excercise today and not eat any more at all.

i'll have pictures for you later. i know i'll need the thinspo for myself.

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